
Teaching with Technology

Adding powerpoint slides to audio or video recordings in Panopto

You may choose to record yourself with video or audio using only your webcam or an audio device, then add your powerpoint slidedeck afterwards. This can be an easier approach, as sometimes you might be reading your lecture from a google or word doc, and needing to go back to your slidedeck to advance the slide, then go back to your google doc for more reading, then go back to your slidedeck for the next slide. 

If you do this approach, you would first record yourself in the program of your choice (several are outlined on the lecture recording page; you can use Panopto's recording app, Quicktime, or any other recording program).

Next, you would upload the recording to Panopto.

Afterwards, you can then edit your video to add your Powerpoint slides. You will click on the edit icon of your video or audio recording in Panopto. Then, follow this .

Things to note if you plan on recoding yourself first, then adding your slidedeck later:

  • If you created your slides with Google Slides, you will need to export them to a Powerpoint slidedeck, which is required to import into Panopto.
  • Any transitions or animations will not carry over to the Panopto recording.
  • Any media playback, such as an audio or video file embedded in your slide deck (including youtube links), will not work.