
Athletics, Fitness & Outdoor Programs

Division of Student Life

Kayaking: Intermediate

Instructors: Sam Drevo, Jacob Verhaegh, Nathan Watt

This course is not currently being offered.

This continuation of the beginner class is taught in the fall. Students who have a reliable Eskimo roll and understanding of kayaking basics may take the class. Pool time allows student to hone their basic skills to where they become "actions without thinking." Video taping of individuals is used for critiquing fundamentals and for fine-tuning of techniques. Lectures focus on safe river running including first aid, rescue techniques, and advanced river reading skills. Students are taught how to develop "otter mind," an attitude of playing with the river, being fully comfortable in the river environment and having a deep understanding of potential dangers and risks. While kayaking is an individual sport, the team concept is emphasized. The "piece de resistance" of the class are three days on the river where class two and three rapids are negotiated. Often the rivers that are run are designated "wild and scenic," abounding with wildlife and scenic beauty. The goal for students who complete the intermediate class is to have the skills and knowledge to begin running rivers on their own.